#!/bin/bash # # Build the Booke. First assemble the book LaTeX, then build it # into a PDF. # # All EPS and PDF tune graphics must be present already. Run # makeGraphics.sh to make these. # if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Usage: makeBooke.sh " exit 1 fi dir=`pwd` booke=$dir/$1 builddir=$dir/build graphicsdir=$dir/graphics/$1 output=dottes.tex outputxdv=${output/%.tex/.xdv} outputpdf=${output/%.tex/.pdf} outputa4=dottesona4.tex outputa4pdf=dottesona4.pdf mkdir -p $builddir cp buildno.txt $builddir if [ -r $booke/subtitle.txt ]; then cp $booke/subtitle.txt $builddir else touch $builddir/subtitle.txt fi if [ -r $booke/intro.txt ]; then cp $booke/intro.txt $builddir else touch $builddir/intro.txt fi cp dottes.tex.header $builddir/$output # Now, for each tune, make the tune graphic and add it, inside a # centre section, so the document. Then add a TOC entry. find $booke -name "*.abc" | sort | while read filename do title=`$dir/abcfield.py --field T --latex $filename` name=`basename $filename .abc` echo -E "\newpage" >> $builddir/$output echo -E "\begin{center}" >> $builddir/$output echo -E "\phantomsection" >> $builddir/$output echo -E "\hypertarget{$name}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=0.9\textheight,keepaspectratio]{$graphicsdir/$name}}" >> $builddir/$output echo -E "\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{$title}" >> $builddir/$output echo -E "\end{center}" >> $builddir/$output done cat dottes.tex.firstlines >> $builddir/$output find $booke -name "*.abc" | sort | while read filename do title=`$dir/abcfield.py --field T --latex $filename` name=`basename $filename .abc` echo -E "\hyperlink{$name}{$title} & \raisebox{-.25\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{$graphicsdir/firstline-$name}} \\\\" >> $builddir/$output done cat dottes.tex.footer >> $builddir/$output cp $outputa4 $builddir cd $builddir # The version of xetex on Squeeze doesn't do pass the A5 landscape instruction # down to the PDF generator. So split out and do manually. # # And, sigh, this fails on Sid. The first page comes out as A4 portrait. # So try to work out which we are using and run the appropriate command. ver=`xetex -version | head -n 1` ver=${ver/*TeX Live /} ver=${ver/\/*/} if [ "$ver" == "2009" ]; then xelatex -no-pdf $output xelatex -no-pdf $output xdvipdfmx -p a5 -l $outputxdv else xelatex $output xelatex $output fi xelatex $outputa4 mv $outputpdf $dir/$1.pdf mv $outputa4pdf $dir/${1}-booklet.pdf cd $dir