#!/bin/bash # # Transpose a book for Horn in F. if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Usage: makeFHorn.sh " exit 1 fi # Transpose down (return 0) if top note was > e (> a for horn). transposedown() { (($2 > 109)) } dir=`pwd` booke=$dir/$1 outdir=$dir/$1-HornInF mkdir -p $outdir/Compact # Copy book component items. cp $booke/*.txt $outdir echo "Horn in F" > $outdir/instrument.txt find $booke -name "*.abc" | sort | while read filename do name=`basename $filename .abc` dir=`dirname $filename` basedir=`basename $dir` compact="" if [ "$basedir" = "Compact" ]; then compact="Compact/" fi range=`./abcrange.py $filename` # Transpose concert pitch up a fifth. # If there are any notes above 'd' (Horn 'g'), transpose # down a seventh instead. transpose=5 if transposedown $range; then transpose=-7 fi # There's no point in having transposed chords. Remove from the # abc before transposing. Some badly formed chord items can give # erroneous output from abc2abc (like, strings of binary gibberish). sed -e "s/\"[^\"]*\"//g" $filename > $outdir/$name.abc.tmp # Transpose. By default abc2abc will report errors in the output, # but this messes up output formatting so stop it. Also force all # output to be in treble clef; some lower tunes with the odd high # note will otherwise appear in bass clef, which is not what this # crap horn player wants. abc2abc $outdir/$name.abc.tmp -e -t $transpose | \ sed -e "/^ *K:/s/$/ clef=treble/" > $outdir/$compact$name.abc rm $outdir/$name.abc.tmp done