\usepackage[margin=0.75in]{geometry} % the content, and the outside back cover. Note that unlike A4 saddle % stitch they do NOT want inside front and back covers pages as part % of the PDF. For geek points, round the number of content pages to % a multiple of 2. % Title page. Cover and inner cover page. \newfontfamily\havocfont[Scale=2.1]{English Towne} \newcommand*{\titleBoD}{\begingroup {\Large \havocfont{Ye}}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge \havocfont{Crie Havock}}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large \havocfont{Booke of}}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge \havocfont{\instrument Dottes}}\\[\baselineskip] \vfill {\huge \input{title.txt}}\\[\baselineskip] {\large \input{subtitle.txt}}\\[\baselineskip] \vfill \includegraphics[width=0.10\textwidth,keepaspectratio]{buzzard} \vfill {\large Compiled by Jim Hague}\\ \endgroup} % Page appearance. \newcommand*{\pagestylemod}{} \newcommand*{\tunestart}{\newpage \topskip0pt \vspace*{\fill}} \newcommand*{\tuneend}{\vspace*{\fill}}