#!/bin/bash # # Build the website. The common items and the web items are assumed # to be already built. This generates the MusicXML and the page HTML # and shuffles other files ino the right place. # #set -x if [ $# -lt 2 -o $# -gt 3 ]; then echo "Usage: makeWeb.sh []" exit 1 fi dir=`pwd` booke=$1 masterbooke=$2 bookedir=$dir/$1 masterbookedir=$dir/$2 webdir=$dir/web/$1 graphicsdir=$dir/graphics/$1 output=index.html tunelist=tunelist.html title=$booke instrument=$3 abc2xml=$dir/abc2xml/abc2xml.py buildno=`cat buildno.txt` # Remove trailing % added for Latex purposes. buildno=${buildno%%%} subtitle= intro= if [ -r $bookedir/subtitle.txt ]; then subtitle=`cat $bookedir/subtitle.txt` fi if [ -n "$instrument" ]; then title="${title} ($instrument)" subtitle="${subtitle} ($instrument)" fi mkdir -p $webdir sed -e "s/@BUILD@/$buildno/" -e "s/@SUBTITLE@/$subtitle/" \ -e "s/@TITLE@/$title/" -e "s/@BOOK@/$booke/" dottes.html > $webdir/$output for item in intro do rm -f $webdir/$item.html if [ -r $booke/$item.md ]; then pandoc --from=markdown --to=html --output=$webdir/$item.html $booke/$item.md else touch $webdir/$item.html fi done # Copy in the book PDFs. Like the graphics, Midi etc. these are assumed # to be already generated. cp $1-*.pdf $webdir # Now, for each tune, make the tune page. rm -f $webdir/$tunelist find $bookedir -name "*.abc" | sort | while read filename do name=`basename $filename .abc` # Copy the ABC into the web. cp $filename $webdir # Generate MusicXML into the web. python $abc2xml $filename > ${webdir}/${name}.xml # If we are not the master booke, link the mp3s in from the # master page in a desperate attempt to make IE8 work. # The Jenkins archive will dereference the soft link, it seems, # but I guess I can live with copies of the MP3 for now. if [ "$booke" != "$masterbooke" ]; then pushd ${webdir} > /dev/null ln -f -s ../${masterbooke}/*${name}.mp3 . popd > /dev/null fi # Get date and time of last change to tune. lastchanged=`hg log --limit 1 --template "{date|shortdate}" $masterbookedir/${name}.abc` # Generate the tune web page. tunepage=${name}.html learnerpage=learner-${name}.html $dir/abctemplate.py --value "masterbooke=${masterbooke}" --value "lastchanged=${lastchanged}" --template dottes.html.tune $filename > $webdir/$tunepage $dir/abctemplate.py --value "masterbooke=${masterbooke}" --value "lastchanged=${lastchanged}" --template dottes.html.learnertune $filename > $webdir/$learnerpage $dir/abctemplate.py --template dottes.html.tuneindex $filename >> $webdir/$tunelist done