#!/bin/bash # # Make graphics required for the website but not for the book. # They go into web/tunes/, or web/tunes-/. # if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Usage: makeWebGraphics.sh " exit 1 fi dir=`pwd` booke=$dir/$1 basewebdir=$dir/web basetunedir=$basewebdir/tunes graphicsdir=$dir/graphics/$1 instrumentSuffix="${1##*-}" if [ "$1" != "$instrumentSuffix" ]; then basetunedir="${basetunedir}-${instrumentSuffix}" fi # Now, for each tune, make the main tune and tune first line bitmaps. # Do this to temp files and rename into place to make updates as # atomic as possible. find $booke -maxdepth 1 -name "*.abc" | while read filename do name=`basename $filename .abc` tunedir=$basetunedir/$name mkdir -p $tunedir tmpname=${name}.tmp convert -colors 256 -quality 90 -density 200 $graphicsdir/${name}.pdf $tunedir/${tmpname}.png convert -colors 256 -quality 90 -density 200 $graphicsdir/firstline-${name}.pdf $tunedir/firstline-${tmpname}.png mv $tunedir/${tmpname}.png $tunedir/${name}.png mv $tunedir/firstline-${tmpname}.png $tunedir/firstline-${name}.png # Make the web downloadable PDF with the tune title. abcm2ps -E -F singletuneweb -O $tunedir/$name.eps $filename # And make the corresponding PDF. epstopdf --outfile=$tunedir/$name.pdf $tunedir/${name}001.eps rm $tunedir/${name}001.eps done