Try to be cleverer when transposing for cello.

Jane says: Am most comfortable between the bottom G (the bottom line of the bass clef) and top D (the note above middle C), but can play from bottom C upwards (the C string is a bit growly) and at a push can get as high as the A above middle C.

Implement the following rule:

1. If range is G to d', transpose down 2 octaves.
2. If lowest note is < C, transpose down 1 octave.
3. Otherwise calculate the distance above d for the highest note on a one
   octave transposition, and the distance below G on a two octave
   transposition. Find the smallest, and use the corresponding
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Jim Hague 2013-08-13 00:51:43 +01:00
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@ -13,10 +13,30 @@ if [ $# != 1 ]; then
exit 1
# Transpose down (return 0) if bottom note was < C.
# Return 0 if we should transpose down 2 octaves, 1 if just one
# octave. $2 is highest note, $3 is lowest note.
# If range is G to d', transpose down 2 octaves.
# If lowest note is < C, transpose down 1 octave.
# Otherwise calculate the distance above d for the highest note on a one
# octave transposition, and the distance below G on a two octave
# transposition. Find the smallest, and use the corresponding
# transposition.
return $(($3 >= 100))
if (($3 >= 104 && $2 <= 115)); then
return 0;
if (($3 < 100)); then
return 1;
over=$(($2 - 108))
under=$((104 - $3))
if (($over <= $under)); then
return 1;
return 0;
@ -38,11 +58,10 @@ find $booke -name "*.abc" | sort |
range=`./ $filename`
# Move down either one octave or two, depending on the range
# of the tune. If there are any notes below middle C, transpose
# down one octave. The default is to transpose down two octaves.
if transposedowntwo $range; then
# of the tune.
if transposedowntwo $range; then
sed -e "/^ *K:/s/$/ clef=bass middle=$middle/" $filename > $outdir/$