X: 1 T: Greenham T: Long Odds P: (A2.B) H: Dottes: This is danced by a variable number of dancers. Repeat as many H:+ times as necessary. H:+ We dance this very infrequently, and only when Emma is around to H:+ remind us how to do it. M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q: 120 R: hornpipe B: Thomas Preston "Twenty-Four Country Dances of the Year" 1791 K: G P: A "G" DGGA B2BG | "C" c2cA "D" BGFE| "G" DGGA BABd | "D" ecAF "G" G2G2 || P: B "Em" egfe e2dB | "C" cedc c2B2 | "Am" ABcA "G" Bcd2 | "D" ecAG "G" GFED | "Em" egfe e2dB | "C" cedc c2B2 | "Am" ABcA "G" Bcd2 | "D" ecAF "G" G2G2 |]