Revert to putting Change: notices into the notes.

W: is for words/lyrics. None at present in Session tunes, but they do
exist in Morris tunes, and who knows what might happen in sessions in
future. I want to keep the option of adding words.

So move Change: notices back to N:, and have all notes printed.
This commit is contained in:
Jim Hague 2012-03-02 10:46:43 +00:00
parent 032daac808
commit 37b89efc47
7 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ K: Gmaj
"C" c2 cd c2 | "G" B2 Bc B2 | "Am" A2 G2 E2 |
"D" D2>D2 GA | "G" B2 Bc B2 | "D" A2 AB A2 | "C" G2 E2 D2 |\
"G" D2>D2 GA | "G" B2 d2 e2 | d2 c2 B2 | "D" A2 G2 F2 | "G" G3 :|
W: Change: Michael Turner's Waltz
N: Change: Michael Turner's Waltz

View File

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ K: Edor
|e2B2 Bdef|gagf efed|Bdeg fedf|e6 ef|
|g3e f3d|edBc d3e|dBAF GABc|dBAF GFED|
|B,2E2 EFGA|B2e2 edef|e2B2 BAGF|E6:|
W: Change: Lanigan's Ball
N: Change: Lanigan's Ball

View File

@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ DG|B2Bd BG|B2Bd BG|A2Ac BA|B2G2DG|\
B2Bd BG|B2Bd BG|A2Ac BA|G4:|
|:dB|GD GB dB|c2A2cA|FD FA cA|B2G2dB|\
GD GB dB|c2A2cA|FD FA cA|G4:|
W: Change: Mazurka d'Avignon
N: Change: Mazurka d'Avignon

View File

@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ BA|G2 E2 E2 FG|AG F2 E2 B2|e2 e2 e2 fe|d2 B2 B3 B|
d2 d2 ed dc|dc BA A2 E2|G2 A2 dc BA|B2 E2 E4 :|
e2 e2 e2 fe|d2 B2 B3 B|e2 e2 e2 fe|d2 B2 B3 B|
d2 d2 ed dc|dcBA A2 E2|G2 A2 dc BA|BE E2 E2 :|
W: Change: Bear Dance
N: Change: Bear Dance

View File

@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ K: Dmix
"D" DEFG A2 A2 | "G" BA B2 "A" A4 | "D" DEFG "A7" F2 E2 | "D" D4 D4 :|
"D" d2 A2 AG F2 | d2 A2 A2 F2 | DEFG A2 B2 | "C" c2 B2 B2 A2 |
"D" d2 A2 AG F2 | d2 A2 A2 F2 | DEFG "A7" F2 E2 | "D" D4 D4 :|
W: Change: Three Around Three
N: Change: Three Around Three

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
% format for Ye Crie Havock Booke of Dottes
% format for Ye Crie Havock Booke of Dottes test print
footer "$P0 $T $P1"
header "Ye Crie Havock Booke of Dottes"
measurenb 0
oneperpage false
splittune false
% writehistory true
writehistory true

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ find $booke -name "*.abc" | sort |
title=`grep "^T:" $filename | head -1 | sed -e "s/^T: *//"`
name=`basename $filename .abc`
echo "\\\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{$title}" >> $builddir/$output
echo "\\\\begin{abc}[options=-j0 +c,name=$name]" >> $builddir/$output
echo "\\\\begin{abc}[options=-j0 +c -n,name=$name]" >> $builddir/$output
cat $filename >> $builddir/$output
echo "\\\\end{abc}" >> $builddir/$output